How to choose the correct
size of the kennel

Please ensure that your pet’s travelling kennel is the right size.

Are you moving and you don’t know how to bring your furbabies with you? Below you will find some information

Need help?

Size is essential for safety. It is not just essential but it is International Law that all animals are shipped in an IATA approved flight container that offers them comfort, safety and adequate ventilation during their flight.

  • It must be large enough for your pet to stand and sit straight, to comfortably turn around and to lie down in a natural position
  • The back and sides of the container should have ample air holes for the comfort of your pet
  • The front of the container should have an appropriate welded wire mesh grille.
  • For cats and dogs you must ensure that they have enough room to stand up straight, turn around and stretch out inside the container.

How to get sizes of your pet

Length of the pet

  • Measure the length of the dog from the tip of the muzzle to the junction of the tail, while it is on the 4 legs.
  • Please DO NOT include tail
  • The pet carrier must measure at least 10 / 15cm more than the length of the animal. Some airlines require different sizes for certain breeds.

Height of the Pet

  • Measure the height of the dog from the floor to the highest point of the head (HEAD INCLUDED) while it is on the 4 legs
  • Add the size of the ears in cases where they are naturally directed upwards (such as German shepherd, French bulldog, dobermann, husky etc.)